Обидчики Дианы Шурыгиной ответят в суде за клевету After a sharp public statements by the girl’s family decided to contact a lawyer. Diana’s parents Shurygino hired Marina Dubrovsky, which will analyze the comments and statements of various people to call them to account for their words before the law.

      Обидчики Дианы Шурыгиной ответят в суде за клевету

      After appearing in the program “Let them talk” the girl became one of the most talked about people, the real star of the Internet. However, many resented this and made insulting remarks about Shurygino. Bloggers did not hesitate in expressions – for example, Mariana Ro in one of the live broadcasts in a social network spoke about Diana rudely and even threatened with death. Diana Shurygina said the detractors live

      “My mind is just all sorts of profanity and just want to harknut in her face. Okay, just a little bombing, a little bit, “on the bottom,” said Mariana. – At me it was all sincere, and she took it and a blueprint, and began to cackle, saying, say thank you, thanks to me you have two million. So crazy meeting, just take a stick and her face so to crack.”

      Обидчики Дианы Шурыгиной ответят в суде за клевету

      In the words of blogger Diana could still close his eyes. However, the last straw were the statements of the state Duma Deputy Vitaly Milonova.

      “She’s just walking a difficult teenager, – said the representative of the government. – Previously, these were placed in vocational schools for difficult children and now chase on “the First channel”. And according to the information that is not on the “First channel” is necessary, and in the first colony planted for youngsters with problems in education. And deal with it there on the system Makarenko. Girl drinks, hanging around the men, the parents are clearly antisocial. There the father demanded a million rubles, to withdraw the application. Shurygin placed on spetsuchet, in the nursery of the police and under the supervision of educators in a secure facility. And then she goes on the slippery slope: repeated drinking spree”.

      This persecution could not affect the mental health of 16-year-old Diana Shurygina. She had a nervous breakdown – not so long ago a girl came to the hospital and now is undergoing rehabilitation. Meanwhile, the parents are going to sue those who publicly insult their daughter. They appealed to the lawyer Marina Dubrovskaya. The judge said the “StarHit” that they are preparing to present in court.

      “Now I gave the materials – interviews, statements that were made in the public space. We thoroughly understanding – in what of them there is an outright slander to soon sue. At the moment it would be incorrect tells about specific people, but next week all will manifest. Can only say that they included public figures, we consider the scandalous statements made by Vitaly Milonov in particular, bloggers, and other individuals who has allowed in his speech very sharp remarks, outright slander and insults”, – said the lawyer.
      Обидчики Дианы Шурыгиной ответят в суде за клевету

      Dubrovskaya suggests that the likely plaintiff will be the father. Marina considers correct the decision of the family Shurygina act in the legal field. Diana already gave all the necessary documents for the lawyer. While she is in hospital for treatment, the parents will defend its interests in court.

      “This whole situation is rape and negative statements had an impact on her condition. For a long time she kept, but this is a typical injury that does not immediately makes itself felt. Perhaps Diana will stay in the hospital for a few weeks, although just to say nobody can, – said Marina. – Power of attorney she gave, while Diana will be treated and recover, we’ll go to court next week. That’s right, that the family decided to respond to the attack with the help of such tools as the law, which they once have defended”.

      Learning about the incident with Diana, chief editor of the project “StarHit” and presenter of the program “Let speak” Andrey Malakhov went to the hospital to visit the girl. We will remind, Diana Shurygina was the heroine of five issues of the program. In the air of a popular talk show she said that a young man raped her at the party. The public was divided into two camps – those that supported her, and someone took the side of Sergei, claimed that Diana herself consented to sex. The rapist Diana Shurygina turned to her