The singer told how he sees himself in a new role.
Photo: Instagram
Nyusha first told about how he sees himself in the role of mother. ”
it is a natural process — a woman created in order to
ever have a baby, — shared the singer with
— So I thought that I would become a mother, live always. Can’t say that
something has changed. Just after I got married, my in this
the plan became closer”.
Indeed, after the singer changed his official status,
fans consider the star almost under the microscope and closely watched
changes in her personal life. Only one pregnancy was attributed to the singer
a few times already. Tired of the non-existent discussion of an interesting situation
artist, fans moved on to other, equally intriguing subject: ”
does singer husband Igor Sivova?”.
For example,
so long ago foes
tried to destroy the family idyll. Igor “told” that
the actress allegedly can cheat on him with an ex — boyfriend Egor Creed. And
the basis for such bold statements… steel likes in social networks. Supervisory
fans said that Jane sometimes gives ex-lover
attention. “Watch your wifey, so she doesn’t laykala
Egorka,” wrote Igor. That, of course, such blatant and vile comment
was outraged to the depths. Sivov emotionally reacted to the provocation
Hayter. In response, the singer’s husband asked the author to watch only
themselves and their lives, making it clear that he does not believe in spreading gossip.