It would seem that it could be even worse than what Jennifer aniston did her mother. For a day of glory and some absolutely cheap PR Nancy published a book about her daughter, which told of the many secrets that aniston didn’t want out in public. This move of his mother forever embroil the two women and even lying on his deathbed Nancy has not waited her daughter take her by the hand and forgive her for all their actions.
Mother Jennifer died this year and it would seem for her, this story was supposed to stay in the past. But old wounds intends to open a nurse who for a long time looked after the elderly mother of a celebrity.
The nurse is going to publish the memoirs, which intends to “show the true face aniston”.
When exactly the book will be published is not specified.
A woman who has been with Nancy for years says that she has something to tell, because it often became the involuntary witness of conversation mothers and daughters. These conversations always ended in conflict.
Note that the attitude of Jennifer to mother is the fact that after the death of Nancy the daughter refused to pick up her ashes, explaining that doesn’t know where to store it.
By the way, aniston can wait for another unpleasant surprise. The actress suspects that fragments of the same ancient books, Nancy, unpublished because they are too provocative, could fall into the hands of the nurse. And now she will include them in your memoirs…