Нумеролог: «Владимир Пресняков станет папой в третий раз» Clara Kuzenbaeva made a prediction for the future of the musician. She believes that Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya perfect for each other. The expert does not exclude that soon the star couple will be born another baby.

      Vladimir Presnyakov today marks 49 years. The famous musician not only touring extensively, but also in films, and voiced the cartoons. In his personal life men, too, all right: the singer’s two sons – 25-year-old Nikita from the marriage of Christina Aguilera and Artem, who on the fifth of June will be two years, – Natalia Podolsky. Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva learned the date of birth of stars and made a prediction on his future.

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      “Vladimir was born in “the day of the observer,” says Clara. His life code – 3811 347 says that he is the bearer of the sign of renown and very artistic people. The man has hypnotic powers – his voice is able to charm others. He is a very lucky man and a hard worker, to go on stage will to a ripe old age. Presnyakov practical person and knows how to count money, he’d make a great businessman. If an artist decides to join the ranks of entrepreneurs, the perfect time to start new activities the next year.”

      Clara Kuzenbaeva also noted that Vladimir Presnyakov managed to see Natalia Podolskaya beautiful companion. The couple have been together for ten years. According to numerology, the Union of artists really strong.

      “Vladimir prone to depression, it’s a minus in his character. Fortunately, he got the wife of the donor Natalya. Their family is one of those where luck man brings his beloved woman. Wife perfect her famous husband, because that is the energy donor. Despite the fact that Natalia is the celebrity and the nature of the work often happens at social events, she does not love the big congestion of people, – says the expert. Life code Podolsky – 279 235 – suggests that the artist has a sexual energy and is able to predict the future. But with all the charm, with Natalia hard in life, sometimes it suits the spouse of mini-scandals because of her emotions prevail over reason. If she doesn’t like something, it instantly becomes clear to everyone around. Despite these outbursts, it can not long be angry and frustrated – Natasha kind and positive person.”

      Presnyakov and Podolskaya regularly share joint photos, and fans and then admire their idyll, counting a couple one of the highest in the Russian show business. However, Clara insists that the spouses have to put up with some of the personality traits of each other.

      “Natalia is often not enough warmth husband, because Vladimir, with all its positive qualities, man is tough enough – said Kuzenbaeva. – Podolsky physically lazy. Although she tirelessly works for the stage, the house doesn’t like to put things in order, or perhaps to cook”.

      Online often there were rumors about a possible pregnancy Natalia. Is the actress to wear loose clothes, as she immediately credited rather an addition to the family. However, the numerologist does not exclude that in the near future, Natalia and Vladimir will once again become parents. Vladimir Presnyakov: “Now I want a daughter”

      “Four years later, Vladimir and Natalia can be born another baby,” Clara calculated.