Нумеролог: Пелагею ожидает вторая беременность Clara Kuzenbaeva made a prediction for the future celebrity and came to the conclusion that even the birth of the second child did not prevent her to pursue a career. Famous singer Pelageya played a secret wedding in mid-June, with the hockey player Ivan by Telegony.

      Нумеролог: Пелагею ожидает вторая беременность

      The second week, fans of the singer Pelagei wonder, gave birth to their favorite or not. Neither the star nor her husband, hockey player, Ivan Telegin, which celebrity secretly got married 16th of June this year, not in a hurry to comment on the replenishment in the family, although on the web there are persistent rumors that Pelagia has become a mother. Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva studied dates of birth of the singer and athlete and made a forecast for their future.

      Mother Pelageya has commented on the rumors about her birth

      “Pelagia was born in the “Day eloquent storyteller,” says Clara. – This year for her, the year tens are life – changing and very favorable for the birth of the baby. In its programme, the lack of units, this suggests that, most likely, she will be born or already born son. The singer is prone to mood swings, but at the same time endowed with tremendous patience – this quality will be very useful to her as a mother. It will sacrifice its interests in the name of the child if it becomes necessary, forget about sleep, pull the plug on his career… Pelageya will be a great mother, caring and gentle. Starting from the 14th of January, she begins a strip of lift – it will not experience a lack of energy for the education of the heir.”

      Clara Kuzenbaeva assumes that the child will be related to creativity. However, pregnancy and childbirth will not prevent the artist to continue his career. According to numerology, even after the birth of the second heir, Pelagia will be able to successfully combine motherhood and work.

      “From childhood, she will teach a child to music – will sing him a lullaby, give to a music school. To 34 years in her life will go very favourable for procreation stripe. In the 32 years old singer is expecting a second pregnancy, and she shouldn’t worry that the advent of another child will put the brakes on her career – she will continue to sing with two children. Plus, celebrity in perfect health – the body will not fail her during pregnancy and childbirth, – shared his thoughts numerologist.

      For a long time Ivan Telegin was convicted because he left his former fiancee, who gave him a son for a relationship with Pelageya. Many believed the athlete’s flighty and unreliable, but Clara Kuzenbaeva sure that the marriage of the singer and the hockey player is strong.

      “Spouse for Pelagia acts as a donor, she fueled him with energy. Ivan, by the way, now is the year her career took off, so that the welfare of the family can not survive. In private life he is a heavy man, his character was obnoxious, his emotions will prevail over reason, says Clara. But patience Pelagia, about which I already spoke, and here saves their hearth – star balances his hot-tempered husband. But Ivan is honest and gentle, affectionate husband. I don’t see their fate of separation – their marriage is stable and reliable.”