Нумеролог: «Наталье Гвоздиковой нужно чаще просить близких о помощи» Clara Kuzenbaeva made a prediction for the future actress. According to numerology, Natalia good health, however, it is necessary to monitor the condition of vessels and kidneys. In difficult situations, specialist advice Gvozdikovoy to seek the support of the family.
Нумеролог: «Наталье Гвоздиковой нужно чаще просить близких о помощи»

Natalia Gvozdikovoy today marks 70 years. Played in more than thirty films, including such cult as “a Big change”, “Pechki-Lavochki” and “Kalina Krasnaya”, Natalya Fyodorovna almost not removed. A celebrity prefers to devote his time to relax and talk with the 38-year-old son Theodore, born in wedlock with actor Yevgeny Zharikov.

Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva studied the date of birth of the actress and made a prediction for its future.

“Natalia Fedorovna was born in “the Day of unusual interests,” says Clara. Her life code 303167 means that she is the bearer of the sign of creativity, self-sufficient person, loved by all and over-achiever. She is a self-sufficient person, has enormous charisma and who would be there for her was, he definitely gets under her charm. But in everyday life Natalya Fyodorovna is difficult and often her behavior is manifested despotism, and mood swings that they suffer from time to time, make all the family celebrity to fulfill all her whims”.
Нумеролог: «Наталье Гвоздиковой нужно чаще просить близких о помощи»

Numerologist noted that from an early age Gvozdikova is used to getting what he wants and not to contribute to this great effort. However, according to Kuzenbaeva, star endowed with a huge talent, and her artistry is impossible not to notice, so she was destined to become a famous actress.

“This is Natalya Fyodorovna very down to earth and stands firmly on his feet. She’s a great psychologist in life and very sensitive people. Loved ones often come to her for advice. Have Gvozdikovoy chic intuition, it is almost impossible to cheat. But despite the seeming confidence, she is eternally in search of truth and are rarely confident in their deeds and actions,” added Clara.

Kuzenbaeva argues that natural health Natalia Fedorova is good, but she needs to monitor the condition of the blood vessels and kidneys.

“From today on in her life there comes a good year, a period of recovery. The main rule for her – the star need not be ashamed to seek help for loved ones. Gvozdikova does not like to bother family and because of this, often experiencing alone. But in vain! She needs as often as possible to ask loved ones for help and she will see that it is not a burden, and just a joy to do her a favor”, says numerologist.