Famous numerologist Marijana Anael announced the launch of her own authoring program called “The Universe of Anael”.
The program premiered on July 30 on Europa Plus TV at 21:00 and according to Anael, she had long dreamed of becoming an expert on television and shared that her dreams came true . Currently, she is a guest expert on four different federal channels – TV-3, TV Center, Rossiya1 and Europa Plus TV. The creation of the author's transfer “The Universe of Anael” was another expected realization of her goal. Numerologist Marijana Anael launched her own show “Anael Universe” on Europa Plus TV” />
The “Anael Universe” show will allow viewers to plunge into the world of numerology, where the secrets of numbers and their influence on our reality will be revealed. Marijana Anael promises to share her knowledge and experience to help viewers understand how we can influence our lives and future destiny with the help of numbers.
Numerologist thanked Europa Plus TV for the opportunity to realize her dreams and create an author's program, expressing gratitude to the channel for support and trust.