Нумеролог: «Ради детей Алсу готова отказаться от карьеры» Clara Kuzenbaeva made a prediction for the future star. Alsou has three heirs. According to experts, in the near future the artist will find success and popularity throughout the world, and two daughters and a son, too, can follow in her footsteps.
Нумеролог: «Ради детей Алсу готова отказаться от карьеры»

Today the singer Alsou was 34 years old. Star with husband Ian and children: 10-year-old Safina, 9-year-old Mikalai and son Rafael, who on 10 August will be a year, lives and works in Los Angeles. Artist records new hits and all the free time spends with the family. Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva studied the birth date of a celebrity and made a prediction for its future.

“Life code Alsou – 369325 says that she was born in “the day of the defensive position”, is able to stand up for themselves, – said Clara. Is she one of those women that can make happy any man. To her family – most importantly, for the sake of the loved ones she was ready to give up everything. In her nature there is sacrifice, so if she has to choose, she would prefer children and husband.”

Kuzenbaeva believes that Alsu is constantly afraid for the future and worried about heirs. Numerologist advises her to get rid of these traits, as that is what prevents her to enjoy life. According to the expert, the artist should learn healthy adventurism her husband – then she’s in for a huge success in his career.

“Star – a strong analyst, continues Kuzenbaeva. – Intellectually, it surpasses even his educated wife, even though she’s younger than him. By the way, Alsou always been drawn to older people, with age she is bored and nothing to talk about. But Ian has other strengths: he is patient, fair, peacemaker – it is impossible to quarrel. If the family brewing scandal, Abramov per second is able to suppress the negative emotions of the singer and to calm her down.”

Clara believes that the marriage of Alsou and Jan can be called perfect, because they have high compatibility. That’s why she can’t see in the life of the spouses divorce.

“In the character of the eldest daughter of the stars satiny there is a spirit of rivalry. It is necessary to give to the sport to increase self-esteem of girls and to follow its terms of communication. Mikella endowed with the sign of artistry, she would make a great singer or a doctor. Son Raphael was born in “the day of the velvet voice”, he’s strong-willed character and, being older, he won’t take criticism. It can also be a famous singer, like mom, thinks Kuzenbaeva.

35 years old Alsu can give birth to another son, and two years later, there will come a very favourable area for creativity – the star can become even more popular not only in Russia but throughout the world.”