Нумеролог: Елена Темникова солгала про скандал с Максимом Фадеевым Clara Kuzenbaeva sure that the singer is engaged in black PR. The woman studied the two codes life of celebrities and came to the conclusion that the artist is trying to benefit from a conflict situation with the producer.

      Нумеролог: Елена Темникова солгала про скандал с Максимом Фадеевым

      Recently the ex-soloist of the group SEREBRO Elena Temnikova has shed light on the conflict two years ago with the producer of the group Maxim Fadeev. In an interview with well-known publishing 31-year-old actress admitted that while working with Fadeev she has to endure humiliation and mockery from the coach.

      Lena was Temnikova told about humiliations that were suffered in the group SEREBRO

      “I felt terrible, could hardly restrain himself not to burst into tears, confessed the star. – Was the home of a notorious girl – not about sex. And Fadeev started to make us some sexy “terrorists” because it is best to sell erotica and scandals. I complained: it’s not mine, I’m ashamed. He didn’t listen, saying that knows better. On the other hand, a contract’s a contract.” Numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva studied dates of birth of Temnikovo and Fadeeva and made a prediction that waits for the relationships of celebrities.

      “Life code maxima – 358 235 – suggests that he was born on the day of materialized dreams. He is a man of wide soul, loves his work, very talented and always ready to help. But, to his misfortune, fate gave him an unpleasant feature – in all conflict situations Fadeev turns extreme, even if his guilt in the incident absolutely no.

      According to the calculations of numerology, the producer was able to meet on your way people who, taking advantage of his desire to help, to gain advantage for himself. Clara Kuzenbaeva is sure that scandal with Temnikova is not the only case when those whom he in his time held out a hand, turned away from him.

      “His life was haunted by betrayal and the situation with Temnikova – another confirmation of this – continues numerologist. – Maxim always does, he will help someone, and then another, would be to blame. He’s a good man – many use this quality and try to obtain the maximum benefit from it. This year is not easy for him – a time of deceit, intrigue and enthusiasm. I would advise him not to open the soul to anyone but closest friends, otherwise he will experience another disappointment. He tends to idealize people – instead, he should learn to keep them at a distance.”

      According to numerology, in a conflict situation between the producer and singer may be to blame for both. While Kuzenbaeva does not exclude that the version which was presented to the public Temnikova – no more than fiction.

      “Life code Elena – 369 347 – indicates that she was born in a day of energetic defender. She is a very talented and charismatic, able to get from people what she needs. Insecure and selfish, a schemer Temnikova tend to exaggerate, lie, and fantasize – it’s possible that half of what she said about their work with Fadeev, a figment of her imagination. Let’s add these innate qualities Temnikova as cunning and despotism – and here’s a portrait of a man who always achieves everything by any means. But I’m afraid the Maxim should not communicate with her and to explain to the public, as was the case in the most business – resourcefulness Elena will help her says it all Fadeev words wrap against him. However, the singer has an excuse – she is in a period of emotional decline, its scary “sausage”, we can say that the actress herself does not know what they do”.

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