Нумеролог: Дмитрий Тарасов ушел от Ольги Бузовой из-за новой любви Clara Kuzenbaeva calculated data of spouses and found out why the crumbling of their marriage. According to experts, this year has been momentous for Tarasova right now in his life are the key changes that will affect its future.

      The news of the disorder in one of the most beautiful couples of the Russian show-business – Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov – plunged their fans into shock. First about the problems in the relations of stars suspected by their fans – TV presenter and forward of football club “the locomotive” has ceased to put the sharing photos in social networks, and Tarasov and even complained that to survive the rhinoplasty didn’t help him nobody but mom.

      “StarHit” it became known that the cause of quarrels in the pair was bought by celebrities and a half years ago the suburban cottage. Tarasov has designed the property for his mother, not to repeat the mistakes of the past – five years ago when the divorce with ex-wife Oksana, he had to pay 21 million rubles of compensation. Also, friends of the couple said that His dreams about children, and Tarasov, her idea of motherhood does not share the player enough 7-year-old daughter of angelina from her first marriage.

      Numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva studied the life cheats stars and the verdict, what future awaits them. Scandal in the family of Olga Buzova: money, child, and other reasons for the separation

      “Life code Olga – 279235 – says that she was born in “the day of free choice, says Clara. – With all its enormous charm, talent and pronounced psychic abilities in everyday life she is a person of unbearable emotions prevail over her mind. Not in its rules to be silent and to hide the discontent in the house of celebrities often heard claim. Olga is not easy to live with, she was an uncompromising man, still the grumpy. Her life code no fours – about such people usually say – good, but unbearable. But His honest, do not know how to intrigue, never deceives. All her emotions written on her face. At its core, the donor capable of sharing energy with others. Loneliness she is not afraid of star with itself well. Following the marriage in her fate will happen in 35 years.”

      According to him, in relationships with men Olga no problems – lack of attention from the stronger sex it does not feel. Celebrity charismatic and bright, but because others are drawn to it. The numerologist says: despite the seeming confidence in the character Buzova present complexes.

      “She was always dissatisfied with himself, and she needs a very patient man who could make it complex. Tarasov to such, alas, is not true, concluded Kuzenbaeva. – From his own nature he is worse than Buzova. Despotic and vindictive, prone to depression, jealous and explosive – that’s Dimitri. But he is generous, never stingy on gifts and gentle words.”

      For two weeks fans of the star couple shared their guesses – what really destroyed their marriage. There was a version that the athlete simply met another woman that sunk into his soul. Numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva’m sure it happened.

      “This year has been momentous for him – he met the other half – the woman speaks. – Most likely, it is because of this split up their pair. But these relations were originally doomed because Olga and Dima – polar vampires, these people do not live in the same area. They can’t be together”.

      By the way, Kuzenbaeva sure that in the future, in football, everything goes and along the way he will have good luck. “Life code Tarasova – 3710358 says that he is self-sufficient person with high self-esteem, explained Clara. – He was born to sign dozens of the middle way he doesn’t have, he was born to be famous. The player has three eights, he’s a lucky guy. Artistic and charismatic, endowed with hypnotic powers, Tarasov always surrounded by girls.”