«Нет» косметике и фотошопу: Алена Апина показала истинное лицо
The actress praised her courage.

Alena Apina

Photo: @neapina Instagram Alena’s Epinoy

Alena Apina is not shy to be in public is natural. The other day she shared with fans a picture, which was captured without makeup. The photo was taken after a night in the train: the singer arrived in Saint Petersburg on tour.

“The station” the made a deep impression on the followers Epinoy. Subscribers were pleasantly surprised at how the 53-year-old star looks like without makeup. “Well done! Keeps himself in great shape,” he praised the actress. But the part of Internet users are confident that Apina made the mistake of showing itself in its natural form.

After the publication of many fans remembered the scandal that erupted around Alena in July of this year. Then a well-known blogger Lena Miro harshly criticized appearance Epinoy, hinting that the actress is suffering from alcohol addiction. On this soil between the singer and star of the Network began the conflict that almost ended in litigation. The actress was going to force Miro to answer for the insults before the law, but later the scandal “died down”…