Нину Русланову экстренно госпитализировали с разбитой головой
Doctors examined people’s artist after the fall.

Nina Ruslanova


Media reported about the accident, the incident with Nina Ruslanova. Being at home a 72-year-old folk artist lost his balance and fell. During the fall she hit her head, having an open wound. Fortunately, Ruslanova at the time was in the house not alone — thanks to them, she was urgently hospitalized.

According to doctors, the condition of Nina Ivanovna did not cause fear fear. After inspection by experts, surveys and subsequent ligation, the actress was allowed to go home.

On account Ruslanova shooting more than 130 paintings. The most famous of them: “Shadows disappear at noon”, “Afonya”, “Gypsy”, “Tomorrow was the war”, “do Not shoot in white swans”, “heart of a Dog”, “Winter cherry”, “promised Heaven”, “kin-DZA-DZA!” and many others.