Николай Басков обрадовал поклонников, передумав уходить со сцены
Last week, fans of the famous singer Nikolai Baskov was saddened by the statement of the contractor to take a break.

Николай Басков обрадовал поклонников, передумав уходить со сцены

According to Nicholas, he is so tired his 41 years, is considering to suspend a solo career. On the same day Nicholas celebrated his birthday in Baku with a large-scale concert.

Николай Басков обрадовал поклонников, передумав уходить со сцены

“After today’s concert, I realized that I can’t live without music, without singing. It’s just not gonna be me! So I officially say “I’m staying! I will sing for you!” — said the Basque.

Now the fans are looking forward to the wedding singer model Victoria and lopyrevoy. Recently, Nicholas said that the wedding is back on, but will be all a surprise. All the same, Basque is able to make everything about him said.

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