Никита Михалков: «Думаю, в россиянах генетически заложено воевать» In the Studio of “the Destiny of man” with the YouTube Koschevnikovi the Director spoke about service in the army. Nikita remembered how he kept a diary in which he described the most terrible moments of his youth.
Никита Михалков: «Думаю, в россиянах генетически заложено воевать»

On the eve of defender of the Fatherland Day Mikhalkov said that he had to endure when he gave the duty to the Motherland. “Advice to young guys: don’t try to serve around the house. On the contrary, choose other cities, regions – at public expense you have the opportunity to see the country,” said Nikita.

According to his confession, in his early years he realized that he needed to leave the house, leave a comfortable environment. Nikita went to a volunteer army, the young artist wanted to experience and see a different reality. The knowledge which the Director acquired after service, helped him better to get used to the role of the military, to make a movie in which unvarnished shows the real life of soldiers.

For two years in the Soviet army, Nikita Khrushchev visited the taiga and the tundra, spent several months on a ship in the Pacific ocean. By the time Mikhalkov, by the way, has already debuted in the film “I step through Moscow”, the young talent was even recognized on the streets.

“Every man who wants to feel in our country a real man – must have passed the army. I needed that. Navy special rules relationship to each other, the other caste. Russian sailor, sailor, Admiral, General, Russian officers of the marine is a non – empty sounds” – said the actor.

The Director admitted that the service was missed for the ladies. These memories he described in his diary. “In the company of ugly women you feel great, no need to fuss. And when there are beautiful, there is an obscene desire to say at once that you’re a famous actor,” said Nikita more than forty years ago.

But the army was not worth the boast that he is popular. “There is very quickly people open up. Once you said, “Nikita of the movie.” This immediately aroused the opposite reaction. So it was better to remain silent,” said Mikhalkov.

Nikita noted that in our days is still relevant words: think about your Motherland, then about yourself.

“The people who never experienced war on its territory against the external enemy, he himself has to come up with characters. Any “Batman”, Superman, “shwarzenegger” and so on… The worst thing is that there is a country for which war is Hollywood movies. I think the Russians genetically programmed to be brave, to fight to the end. The whole story shows how we are different from others”, – concluded the Director.