The artist hardly departed from France. Nikita Dzhigurda said subscribers in the social networks that he was threatened with violence. According to the actor, his wife Marina Anisina with which they are in the process of divorce, also worried about their safety.
This week everyone was shocked by the news about the divorce of Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda. The court will consider the statement of the Olympic champion on divorce 2 November. According to some reports, the actor has a new fiancee that lives in the USA. The artist has shown in his Twitter green eyes of the bride. Within a few days Nikita was abroad, as it tried to resolve all matters associated with the will, made out in his name of the deceased Lyudmila Bratash. A friend of the artist had a premonition of death, so immediately decided who will get her money and property. She made a will under which 800 million had to move the Chair. However, after her death there were other candidates for that amount. The actor has to contend with the relatives of the woman in inheritance. Nikita Dzhigurda is accused of forging wills and stealing money
During his stay in Paris, the artist encountered a number of difficulties. According to the flamboyant actor, the unknown wanted to kill him. “In Paris, threatening me with death if I arrive in Moscow. For me a couple of days were being followed by people in mufti. Today they didn’t allow me to get out of the house to the airport. Threatened. Missing tickets,” said Dzhigurda. However, the passport was with him, and then found the documents to Board the flight. He successfully flew to Moscow, where today will make a sensational confession.
According to the artist, his wife Marina has also faced a number of challenges. “Anisina scared to death “werewolves” and executes them,” said Dzhigurda. Despite the upcoming divorce, the spouses work together to try to deal with the mystery of death Bratash. Marina left a video message in which he noted that he supports all the statements of Nikita. “We must do the will of Ludmila Bratash”, – with these words, the skater finished his speech.
Recall that some time ago, Nikita Dzhigurda became personally look into the mysterious death of a friend and the godmother of his children. “Relatives of Lucy buried her without telling anyone, with a fractured skull, impaled drugs and alcohol in the grave of the relatives of the driver Dmitry Kuranov. We know this from Germany, I 40 days personally read the burial service over her. On the 9th day, I know she forgave his murderers, but that’s a different story on the mystical-religious level”, – said Nikita.
At the moment of the chair makes every effort to the Russian authorities acknowledged a will made Bratash, valid. Several times he flew to the US, where he collected all the necessary signatures and documents of local lawyers. All who follow the history of the struggle of Nikita over the estate, wondering what is going to inform the artist at a press conference in Moscow, organized in the framework of Halloween. Nikita Dzhigurda has made the scandalous statement about the divorce