Никита Джигурда поведал о примирении с Мариной Анисиной
Some time ago, fans were surprised to see combines the former spouse of Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda.

Никита Джигурда поведал о примирении с Мариной Анисиной

It turned out that after a high-profile divorce, the ex-wife has again decided to be together.

Nikita in an interview with correspondents said that the reason for their breakup may have been caused by envy.

Никита Джигурда поведал о примирении с Мариной Анисиной

“For a very long time Anisina listened to slander about me, about my orgies, betrayal – said Dzhigurda. And she’s in General a naive young girl believing. But now she knew the truth, were convinced that I did not use hard drugs. When I got tested my blood, nothing was found of illegal drugs. Marina forgave me, we are now back together, happy, with our children. Nobody will be able to separate us…

She is now a divorced woman, free, behaves a little differently. If in the beginning of our relationship she made me Breakfast in bed, now I am escorted children to school and buy her buns, gently kiss. As for the children, a third child we will definitely be Marina gave consent. I want lots of kids from his beloved woman. But for now we need to deal with one more thing in may will resume the courts in the case of the will Bratash – you need to go through it. Also, I am ready again to get married to Anisina those, the only choice for her.”

The star shares that very happy to reunite his family.

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