Extravagant showman Nikita Dzhigurda going through a rather unusual period of life. Earlier it became known that the man had received a huge inheritance in the amount of 800 million rubles, but now he decided to divorce his wife Marina Anisina those and to marry an American.
Yesterday, the situation with the divorce commented the Olympic champion. Now came the turn Dzhigurda, who said he did not want to give publicity to the fact of divorce. In addition, Nikita Borisovich shocked by the message that he stole his wife and now he can’t contact her: “I stole a woman, wife, — said the chair. — We have different views on parenting, but we are in friendly relations. Two days ago we agreed to get together and secretly without a trial divorce. Had quietly divorced and on October 28 Halloween I’ll make a confession that will put the dots on “i”. This information was not supposed to appear in print. We have no claims against each other.”
“Now the situation is out of control. Not being able to contact Marina, she’s in Switzerland, coached the French national team in figure skating”, — said the showman.
I wonder what a sensational confession awaits us on October 28? Do you have any idea?
Recall wedding Dzhigurda and Anisina took place in February 2008. During this Union was born the son Mick-angel Krist and daughter Eva-Vlad.