Никита Джигурда сделал скандальное заявление о разводе The artist had promised to reveal the truth about his personal life. Before it became known that the actor is divorcing his wife Marina Anisina those, with whom they were married in 2008. The woman herself decided to end the marriage.

      Никита Джигурда сделал скандальное заявление о разводе

      Actor Nikita Dzhigurda and his wife, Olympic champion in figure skating Marina Anisina divorce. It became known yesterday that the woman filed for divorce. According to her, the reason for this decision were the irreconcilable differences of the parties. The couple grow 7-year-old son Mick-angel Krist and 6-year-old daughter Eva-Vlad. Later it turned out that Nikita was going to go to the United States, where he plans to change the name. On the American passport it will be called Jonathan El-air Bratash g pogorzhelskiy background Gan Eden. Artist is waiting for abroad bride-cabbalistica. Marina Anisina demands a divorce with Nikita Dzhigurda

      The chair wanted to divorce his wife without attracting the attention of the public. However, before numerous media reported the news about the disintegration of the family of the artist.

      “Somebody stole my woman, my wife. We have different views on parenting, but we are in friendly relations. Two days ago we agreed to get together and secretly without a trial divorce. Had quietly divorced and on October 28 Halloween I’ll make a confession that will put the dots on “i”. This information was not supposed to appear in print. We have no claims against each other,” Nikita told reporters.

      The actor also hinted that on the evening of Halloween is going to make coming out. Usually these words are a recognition of people who are misleading the public about their belonging to a sexual orientation.

      Family problems Dzhigurda and Anisina began in 2015. According to the figure skater and her husband was seriously ill. Lawyer Sergei Zhorin indirectly confirmed by the fact that the family of his client is not so smooth. “Marina and the chair and so long enough to live apart – she in France, he is in Moscow. I am not competent to talk about what happened in this family, but from what Marina told me about her husband, my hair stood on end. I wonder what Marina has not filed for divorce a year ago, because even then, the behavior of Nikita Borisovich raised questions”, – said the representative of the law “StarHit”.

      According to Nikita, at the moment Marina is located abroad, so it is difficult to agree with her about the forthcoming joint publication. “Now the situation is out of control. Not being able to contact Marina, she’s in Switzerland, coached the French national team in figure skating”, – said the artist rsport.ru.