Никас Сафронов рассказал о своем самочувствии после серьезного пореза пальца
About a year ago with a famous artist Nikas Safronov has been in an accident.

Никас Сафронов рассказал о своем самочувствии после серьезного пореза пальца

After a sleepless night that he spent at work, Nikas got to throw away trash, and tamping it seriously hurt my index finger. It turned out that he hurt a tendon and the infection went much deeper.

Никас Сафронов рассказал о своем самочувствии после серьезного пореза пальца

“I am already being treated for so long in the hospital that would have had to get married by correspondence. In a military hospital, where I was the past months, has a highly skilled workforce. Here all doctors extensive experience with wounds and wound infections. Leading surgeons who did my operation worked a lot in combat, truly rescued soldiers and officers with much more complex injuries than mine. So I trust them completely,” – said Safronov.

Due to personal injury, the artist received from the insurance company damages in the sum of 9 million rubles that is a record insurance event in Russia.

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