Племянница Олега Яковлева пытается проверить правдивость информации о его женитьбе
The niece of a popular singer Oleg Yakovlev, who died last summer, continues to claim his inheritance.

Племянница Олега Яковлева пытается проверить правдивость информации о его женитьбе

Recently it became known that Oleg was officially married to his sweetheart Alexandra Kutsevol. But Tatiana does not believe this information, therefore, made a request to the Consulate.

Племянница Олега Яковлева пытается проверить правдивость информации о его женитьбе

“Oleg always said in private and public conversations that Kutsevol he does not intend to marry. But the documents proved that they were five years ago got married in Serbia in some small town with a population of 70 thousand people. I would have understood if the marriage was contracted in Montenegro. Oleg has an apartment there. But why go to this Serbian wilderness? And then to keep it all a secret? It is possible, of course, that Oleg did not want to upset fans by change in your family status. But the family-and their friends from “ivanushek” it could tell! Besides, there are no pictures from the wedding. And I have copies available from the register book of this town is not one of the signature”, – says Tatiana.

Recall that Yakovlev will not mention the name of his wife Alexandra Kutsevol. According to her, Oleg many times and rewrote his will.

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