Племянница Олега Яковлева воюет с его вдовой за наследство A relative of the actor said the claims of his civil wife Alexandra Kutsevol. Tatyana Yakovleva claims that she was dissatisfied with his will and still claim the property of the singer.

At the end of June last year, has died 47-the summer former soloist of group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev. The heart of the artist staying in one of the capital’s hospitals. After the death of his common-law wife of Alexander Kutsevol said he was not going to fight for the inheritance. According to some, Yakovlev remained three apartments and Suite, located in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Montenegro.

The wife of Oleg Yakovlev: “I Think if he goes, I first day you die”

The niece of the artist Tatyana Yakovleva said that his will was just her and another man. Recently, a relative of the actor said that Kutsevol not left the attempts to become a contender for his legacy.

“Yes, the will is there. Sasha Kutsevol is going to contest the will of Oleg, as her surname in this document was not, – said Tatiana. – Judging by the actions of Alexander is not going to abandon the inheritance, and leads a very active struggle in this direction.”

According to relatives of the singer, at first she had a good relationship with Kutsevol. “We texted every day, we became friends, I was glad that I supported her in everything” – says Yakovlev. However, after the death of the artist women lost their understanding.

“When my eldest son flew to Moscow for burial (singer was buried 40 days after the cremation – Approx.) I told him that all helped and supported Sasha. But she unfortunately ruined it. I don’t have time to sign the contract about the creative legacy of Oleg, Sasha yelled at me because of this. On this our communion with Alexandra Kutsevol stopped,” recalls niece of a former member of the popular group.

According to Tatiana, some time ago Kutsevol appealed for financial help to the colleagues of Oleg “Ivanushki International”. By the way, the niece of the artist is personally acquainted with the other members of the group, he himself brought her to him at a concert in Angarsk in 1998. Later Oleg presented a relative of close friends, including actor Roman Radovo and Dmitry Minaev, sound engineer of the popular band.

According to a niece of the artist, he did not suffer stellar disease. Tatiana comments about Oleg as a talented and sincere man. The actor did not forget family and tried to please them with gifts and other attentions postcards and telegrams. Tatiana still keeps the letter of Oleg.

“We had always kept in touch, wrote letters to each other, such warm and sincere, I told all the news and always wrote: “Olesenka, please eat well, warm!” – quotes niece stars “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.