Племянницу Михаила Прохорова в детстве обзывали «оборванкой» Irina Prokhorova told reporters that the hardship endured at an early age. The niece of billionaire told me why you got divorced with her husband, and who is now helping her to raise a daughter and a son. Irina also hinted at a new romance.
Племянницу Михаила Прохорова в детстве обзывали «оборванкой»

Irina Prokhorova is a rare visitor on secular receptions. She’s successful in the profession, most of the time devotes to work. The niece of billionaire serves as the Executive Director of the charity Fund of Mikhail Prokhorov. Also Irina and has two children: daughter Alexandra and son Michael. Two years ago the successful businesswoman broke up with her husband after fifteen years of marriage.

However, the child of the niece of the businessman was not the happiest. Her family lived modestly. Irina remembered the case when it was called “a tramp” on the Playground.

“Years, probably eight or nine I had a friend whose family by Soviet standards lived very well: the father was the head of MOORE or something like that. Once in the winter we played at school our favorite game. Ran, fell on his stomach and slid across the ice on the pavement. Ride, and then her grandmother comes. Dramatically raises his friend from the ground and begins to scold: “you Have such a pretty coat! You want to be like that Gypsy? To look at it disgusting!”. Ragamuffin was me. They’re gone. And I still remember looking after them and thought: “I will rise and I will have so many beautiful coats, you do not even dreamed of,” remembered Irina.
Племянницу Михаила Прохорова в детстве обзывали «оборванкой»

Today Irina lives in the suburbs in a two story house in the village of “Gorki-6”. Prokhorov bought a house with her husband, a former gas top Manager. The couple met during their studies at the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

“It was love at first sight, as I wanted. The first marriage should be for love. No, the next, of course, too, but the first for sure. I have always been like that: I see a man and immediately know it’s my character or not. Six years ago a daughter of Alexander, in may 2016 – the son of Michael. And in August 2016, after fifteen years of marriage, “were very different people,” said Irina.

According to Prokhorova, thirty, thirty – five ends the youth, because the person already understands what he wants from life. Irina noted that if fate separates spouses, it is not necessary to save the marriage for the kids.

“I have seen many families where the parents did not get divorced and completely broke up the children’s psyche. Keep human, friendly relationships after divorce is much better for children. We did it,” – said the businesswoman.

Irina herself had experienced the divorce of her parents when she was one year old. Mother Irina Prokhorova was raised to be the heiress of one. “The period of years to ten or twelve, for me, was sad. Because I don’t like to be in our apartment – we lived on the street Kibalchicha at the metro station “VDNKH”. As a child I was sick, then one by one died, the grandparents, and I long to say. My mother had in those years is particularly hard: she worked, took care of dying parents, raised me alone,” – said Prokhorov.

Irina said that in the life of a very shy person. Prokhorova’s hard to be in unfamiliar company. However, if a businesswoman with someone friendly, these relations forever.

“With new people I find it hard to communicate, I am a person shy. I envy those who can come into any company, with all to get acquainted, and after two days already to be friends. But I, if someone made friends, never from the person themselves will not let go. Mom always told me: “In our country, nothing is allowed to accumulate, wealth comes and goes, you will always remain only education, dignity and true friends”, – said Irina.

Prokhorov stressed that the education of the heirs of Sasha and Misha helping her mother. Irina D. comes to the daughter in the mansion on the weekends. “Mom never raises her voice. If the daughter starts to act up, quietly says, “Sasha, please calm down, I’ll tell you a story that happened to me…” She thinks that the child will understand that adults are not any perfect people who never make a mistake, don’t cry,” Irina said.

Prokhorov spoke about the relationship of children with the great-grandfather Mikhail Prokhorov. Billionaire to show the strictness of the household. “Remember when we still lived together in SKOLKOVO, Sasha skated at home in a child’s car and drove to Mishin guest room, and he came back with friends. Everybody says, “Oh, Irina, Sasha, Hello!”- and Misha decided to show rigor and says: “why are you here so late ride?”My daughter gave him a look that said, “I don’t have time to talk,” and left. Everyone laughed, and he stands and looks confused at me,” shared memory Irina.

Prokhorov said that he hates the gym, and slender figure supports, doing exotic dances. For example, she has been practicing tribal is a mixture of belly dance, Indian and modern dance.

Irina hinted in an interview with “Tatler”, which today is in love with, but the name of the chosen one chose not to call. “But you know, usually say: “I love how in sixteen years.” And I now know what I have to say, “I love how in thirty-six”. This is completely different”, – noticed Irina Prokhorova.