Николай Басков публично посмеялся над критикой Никиты Преснякова In the program “the Star interview” the singer told how he responded to the harsh words of the star of heir. According to the actor, the grandson of Alla Pugacheva didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Nikolay Baskov became the guest of the program “stars of interrogation” on the channel MUZ-TV. The actor revealed some details of the future wedding, and also spoke about his impressions of the contest “New wave”. In an interview with star Andrew Razygraev touched upon the recent conflict of the singer Nikita Presnyakov.

Nikita Presnyakov publicly humiliated Nikolai Baskov

Recall that in late August, the heir to the star family made unflattering comments about the fans of popular music and their idol Nikolay Baskov.

“Guys, if you fans Boskovich-tanaskovic, do not listen to this music and do not understand it, meaning that anything at all to write? How to put someone here: “I’m not going to Baskov in “Instagram” and not trashing him because he’s not skribit and Gromit”. (…) I am and this is my music, in the West, this music gathers stadiums, and?.. I think all who listen to such – downs? No, they are all just a lot more understanding than the average person, ” said Nikita.

His statement provoked a mixed reaction from the fans of the singer. Many of them came to the conclusion that it is a direct insult people’s artist of Russia. Nikolay admitted that the statement does not hurt.

It turns out that with Baskov contacted Nikita’s father, Vladimir Presnyakov, who tried to resolve the situation.

“Wladimir called me and said that Nikita didn’t want to offend anyone, he just expressed his opinion. I really respect their family. I think he’s saying that he decided to remove his involvement in popular music. He’s a rocker. I am pleased. Of the huge number of artists Nikita decided that all pop music is fixated on me,” joked the popular actor.

Nicholas admitted that he and Nikita are in completely different genres, so they shouldn’t argue about musical taste.

In conversation with Baskov Andrey Razygraev touched on another hot topic concerning the first marriage of the singer. Basque confirmed that indeed intends to marry, but to disclose the details of the future of the festival he can not yet. “The celebration will most likely be going on national TV live, so I can’t say anything specific,” said the musician.

However, the Basques did not begin to hide that the honeymoon is likely to take place in the Maldives. And singer, and his fiancee Victoria Lopyreva love to relax on an island Paradise. According to Nikolai, they have a favorite five-star hotel, and they plan to stay in it.

Now a Basque and Lopyreva in Sochi at the festival “New wave”. On 11 September, the groom and the bride together another live show at the event. Their joint appearance on the red carpet caused quite a furor. Fans noted that Nicholas and Victoria were all the time close and tenderly looked at each other.