Новая песня Маши Вебер пробирает "До мурашек"
New song Masha Veber is a story filled with light sadness, an ode to a bygone love.

Новая песня Маши Вебер пробирает "До мурашек"

Memory plagues the heart, the thoughts haunting, when Ghost images of a loved one interfere with sleep. The realization that love and no future ,and undying hope – the tearing of the soul of the heroine . The struggle of emotions and mind, the pain of despair and the emptiness of disappointment on the one hand, and an irresistible attraction, yearning and burning with the flame of the heart on the other. The character of Masha, as if in supplication, asking in a hurry to kill her, convincing herself that it was all over and need to “let go”.

The metaphor of the song is slipping even in its name. She is so exhausted that he no longer craves love and affection, she asks indifference “to the limit” and “emptiness creeps up”. The singer’s voice is so emotional that literally touches the heart of the listener penetrates into the depths of the soul and makes you empathize. The song is familiar to many, the originality of the text on top, but most importantly – live and genuine emotions of the singer.

Watch lyric video and hear the new model is just below:

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