Новые шокирующие подробности смерти Принса
Opened new facts about how it has gone from the life of the legendary singer.


According to foreign
tabloid National
the reason for the death of the legendary Prince could be AIDS! According to the publication,
citing an insider, the singer picked up HIV in the 90-ies, and with
time this has led to AIDS.

The Prince’s death was a shock
for his fans and the world, but friends and relatives, according to the National Enquirer,
to the departure of the singer from life ready. 19 APR Prince allegedly told his
family when his condition deteriorated. “Even then he was in a bad
form. He was constantly dizzy, the tests were bad, the temperature dropped
to 34.4 degrees, and it was a very bad sign. His body was exhausted, his strength. He rarely ate because he had no appetite, he was often sick…” — told the informer tabloid, hinting at signs of AIDS. By the way, the National Enquirer some time ago, was the first to announce a similar diagnosis from Charlie sheen that later turned out to be true. But, if it turns out that Prince really knew about
impending death, then strange is the fact that he did not care
about writing a will. Curiously, the very next day after
farewell to the Prince, his sister Tiki Nelson addressed the court and stated
that she wants to become the official steward of his inheritance.

Previously, foreign
Media reported that the Prince was not sick with AIDS and a severe flu
which, together with emphysema, it could cause the departure of the singer from
life. There is a version also and that the death of the legendary singer came
as a result of accidental overdose of painkillers.

About what happened on
indeed, will be known only after the publication of the results of Toxicological
expertise that can take several weeks. Although it is possible that the mystery of the Prince’s death will remain unsolved and will remain forever in the lists of the most mysterious deaths of stars of show business.

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