Новый муж Екатерины Климовой подружился с ее детьми The actress, accompanied by Gela Meskhi came to enjoy the movie “Alice in Zerkale”. Earlier, the movie star attending social events alone or with children. Spouse Catherine found a common language with his sons Corneille and Matthew, and daughter Elizabeth. They had fun together.

      Новый муж Екатерины Климовой подружился с ее детьми

      Ekaterina Klimova came with his sons Corneille and Matthew and daughter Lisa at the premiere of the Disney movie “Alice in Zerkale”, which was held in the cinema “Vremena goda” cinema Suite. The actress was accompanied by her young husband Gela Meskhi. By the way, earlier, the actor appeared with his wife at social events. Attention of journalists was riveted on the stellar pair.

      Children of the actress enthusiastically watched the film about new adventures already their favorite characters: Alice, Mad Hatter, White Queen and the red and the Blue Caterpillar. In the second part the main character did the whole journey to save a friend Hatter and participated in the battle with the merciless time. Catherine and Gela looked happy and satisfied.

      Third husband Klimova quickly found common language with her children from previous marriages. It helps the actress to educate sons and daughter Lisa and little Bella, who was born in 2015. Meskhi and Klimov protect the baby from prying eyes and not show her photos.

      Catherine prefers not to advertise his personal life, so only once showed sovmestnoe photo with her husband on the social network. Gela recently celebrated the thirtieth anniversary, and one of the first to congratulate Catherine. She posted a lovely frame with her husband and confessed her love for him. “Happy birthday, my beloved husband. Thank you for everything, love. Be happy,” wrote under a photo star.

      Ekaterina Klimova has publicly confessed to her husband in love

      Recall that Gela Meskhi and Ekaterina Klimova met in 2014 during the filming of “Wolf sun”. At that time, the actress was going through a divorce with Igor Petrenko, father of their sons.

      “Ahead was the emptiness and the unknown. Saw vaguely the future, even saving for a rental home for my large family was very close. But if I hadn’t gone then, in a normal November day, then would be only some kind of continuous tragedy. To me precisely could happen! I would get sick. And maybe would have died,” said Klimov about the ex-wife in an interview.

      After a painful breakup with the father of her children, the star was able to attain a new happiness, although, according to her, it is a long time not received the attentions of other men.

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