Пользователи Сети обеспокоены настроением Мелании Трамп

Interestingly, I consulted Donald trump before running for the office of President of the United States with your family? After all, this is such an important and responsible decision, which entails a change in many lives.

A few days ago, trump took office, to which so aspired. The inauguration ceremony was held according to all rules and Protocol, however, after the Network users have sounded the alarm. And all because the couple is now odious policy. Internet users thought the ceremony Melania looked even and flawless from the point of view chosen her way, but terribly sad and even depressed.

Some viewers of the ceremony has concluded that the wife’s 45th President periodically homesick and was just pretending to be happy. The video and photos appeared on the Internet, it is noticeable that in just a moment after the first lady smiles at her husband, her face becomes very sad.

“Melania, blink twice if you want to be saved”, “There is a terrible problem,” “Just look at that face”, “Really trump makes the wife smile?”, “Help her”, “little woman”, “I Think someone’s planning to escape, She makes me suffer, I feel bad for her. Melania does not look happy,” discussed the Internet users.

Comments about his behavior at the inauguration Melania does not.

What do you think, does Internet users against Mrs. trump?