Нелли Ермолаева рассказала о переезде на Бали The TV presenter and her husband are going to live in two countries. Nelly Ermolaeva confessed that only on this exotic island feels completely happy. Husband star her plans fully support.

      Popular leading music channel RU.TV Nelly Ermolaeva and her husband Kirill Andreev recently went on holiday to Bali. In the microblog TV stars a lot of photos demonstrating how a couple’s having a great time in a heavenly place.

      However, according to Nelly Ermolayeva, she never feels like a guest on an exotic island. Here telediva feels like a mistress, calling Bali their second home, and tries to come here every three months. But this is Nelly Ermolaeva and her husband seems enough. In this place it so well that they plan to come here more often and actually going to live in two countries. Their intentions Yermolayeva told subscribers microblog.

      “Many people write, why I fly to Bali? The answer is that it is my second home. It is here that I am in harmony. Many traveled countries and cities, for your soul made a choice. Cyril me full support in this. We in Bali have accommodation, friends and everything to be happy. Every three months we arrive in this magical place. Maybe soon it will be much more often. We live in two countries”, – shared his plans of Nelli Ermolaeva.

      Fans of the presenter fully supported its intentions. In the comments to the post they admit that if they had the opportunity, would gladly left the cold of the capital and settled in the edges of the hot.

      “Happy! Others never go or only once”, “well Done, you have the opportunity to enjoy life,” “best, beautiful, spiritual place in the world is Bali! I can’t wait when I get there for four years. Good choice, Nelly. You are gorgeous, as always!” “Yes, in Bali you want to return again and again, this unreal atmosphere and the ocean fascinate”, “Bali – a space. Him just fall in love for life,” write to the followers of Nelli Ermolaeva.

      It will be recalled that about a year ago to live in Bali together with her husband and son moved famous designer Svetlana Anokhina. The star told “StarHit” that decided to change residence due to serious health problems. ISA Dolmatova: “Before moving to Bali I thought that I will die!”

      However, these days the ISA is located in Moscow. In the capital he spent the last months of her pregnancy and was born a second child. However, in their posts, Anokhin admits that wants to fly to the ocean and will probably do it once baby is a little older.