Нелли Уварова родила сына The actress became a mother for the second time. Have four daughters Uvarova has a baby brother. About the pregnancy of the star of the series “Not born beautiful” began in early autumn, when its interesting position couldn’t hide any outfits.

      Нелли Уварова родила сына

      Before it became known that the star of the series “Not born beautiful” Nelly Uvarova became a mother for the second time. The actress and her husband Alexander Grishin son was born. The husband and wife had a daughter Today, who recently turned four years old. About the joyous event in the life of a star “StarHit” reported in the environment.

      Over a long period of time the actress was hiding her pregnancy. About the interesting position of Nelli Uvarova became known in early September. Changing star shape noticed while collecting the troupe of the Russian academic youth theater. The woman looked very happy as she and her husband long thought about a second child

      Star of TV series continued to work even during her pregnancy, as she participated in the theatrical production of “the groom from the world”. Uvarova plays the typical role of a woman, dressed as a man. In the formulation also appears Timur Rodriguez. His hero, the servant Truffaldino connects the separated lovers. Also, the actress managed to star in the TV series “Adaptation” in which the audience will see and other stars of the screen: Eugenia Brik and Yury Stoyanov.

      Nelly tries to devote all his spare time to raising her daughter AI. When she was a little girl, the actress read a lot of books, in which parents were given valuable tips on how to deal with children.

      “My ideal formula is that the child should be good and strong. Only these two qualities to each other will balance. Because you can be good and weak, and you will wipe their feet. To be only a strong personality is also dangerous because then you start to wipe their feet on others, because the main for you are only your aim, will, and so on. But the combination “good and strong” gives willpower, but the ability to see not only themselves, but also what is happening around,” said Uvarov in an interview.