Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья» The singer and her husband said “StarHit” quarrels, breast augmentation and new business. The artists told how their life, what they are not willing to tolerate and for some reason, even arguing during the interview.

      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»

      After a workout in the gym the Private GYM Natasha and Sergei Glushko moved to the Ukrainian restaurant nearby. Despite the appetite, awakened during the lessons, the couple bought a one-meal lunch: Natasha – cutlet with braised cabbage and Tarzan – chicken steak with vegetables. Looking at how cute they are cuddling at the table, I can’t believe that on August 21 the couple will celebrate 13 years of marriage.

      Susan and Sladecek

      Sergey, the date finally managed to remember? And then Natasha was complaining that you always forget!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Question straight to the point. Come on!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»As an exception. Only because figure is included in one of the secret codes of Wi-Fi at home.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I had to start a new wireless network.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»This date learned, and all the rest – don’t even try. And not because memory is bad, but just to relate to this: after all, happy hours are not watching. When people ask me how many years have we together begin to strain. Ask this question to the person who is sitting in prison – that’s who should be the weakness for numbers!—
      Once such appearance passwords, how do you phone each other recorded?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I – “Sladost”.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»This is the secret word. I borrowed from like NASA ciphers. Susan!—
      There were cases when there was a desire to flee?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Things definitely are not collected. Happen, of course, overloads. But even the major scandals do not happen, we intuitively feel, when everyone needs to stay “in your house”. When you realize that sat side by side, began a routine, looking for adventure can dramatically break and go with friends to relax. Sergei remains on the farm. He likes to lie on the couch at the telly… Or would together clean the inside of a stream on the territory of monastery not far from Moscow. Sergei went to him with a guide. Doing washing and feel like updated.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»We’re older people together – from experience, Luggage. And since it is not full of idiots, and have learned from past relationships. Of course, sometimes, something angry. When we lived together, Natalia sounded in my side rebuke: “You do on daumal what you are doing, all weights are busy!” I calmly explained to her: “Natasha, whether you like it or not, but it’s part of my image of the profession. As you need to maintain voice to study singing, and I have to work to be in shape”. And she took it.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Shouting does not solve anything. Wisely, cleverly, quietly, whispering repeatedly, all to resolve.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Natasha as a smart woman understands that a man should not hear “no”. The reaction will be the opposite. Women’s wisdom consists not in domination, but in the fact that the partner has the feeling that he takes this decision.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»
      And often you wife “directs”?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I whipped one more! In a good way. All men who don’t want the loneliness to end existence, must be able to adapt, “sing along” – from the compliments. Women love this.—
      What can fight? You’re both passionate nature…
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Because of dumbbells under my feet. And disorder in the dressing room – my half tidy, and her husband’s – the devil break a leg. And I toothpaste close – Seryoga don’t like.

      Natasha Koroleva showed passion with her husband. VIDEO

      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»We all have quarrels. It is important as they develop. Someone will take a one-week confrontation, and someone in two minutes calm.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I’m sure it must be time to shut up.—
      In the world are you, Natasha?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Yes, of course! What she here says, it’s all still true. The woman is so strange arranged: says one thing and reality is another. Of course, I’m always the first to confess suitable.—
      Feel the changes in yourself that occurred during the years of marriage?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I grew Boobs.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Yes, the “C grade” this is normal!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Everyone is discussing what’s wrong with my Boobs. Seem to have forgotten how to look like a normal man. When the pit instead of the chest – normal. And when what must be said, “are You hurt, boy?” I breed hands.—
      Natasha, well, you’ve changed?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Probably manhood grew.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Yes, apparently!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»She always was! Well on this topic said my favorite actress.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Salma Hayek?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Yes! She also got married at a Mature age. When asked why such a beauty does not create a family, she replied: “I meet a man who is “there” more than me, marry him!”—
      And the love of the sport is surely from her husband is?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Sport sometimes comes into my life…
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Lies!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Well, let’s start with the fact that I graduated pop-circus school. I have been tumbling, juggling.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»And what do you mean? That has always been with the sport for a short leg?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Finding me in the hall as usual. Wait a minute! I did flyaki (jump backward. – Approx. “StarHit”)! Honestly – I have periods, can’t do, as Serge. And should be a strong motivation. At the moment – the concert in Кремле10 Dec. Husband from may began training me…
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»10 years you are rested, doing nothing. I can say now? …You have just heard the point of view of how not to do sports.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Well, it’s in my nature…
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»And here is the result!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Not the worst in my 43 years!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»All wrong she was doing. It is possible, of course, blamed on the maiden… too lazy to Swing you need to regularly and it will become a necessity.—
      But for the wife to do the gym need not work?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»For many years I hinted. Thought a personal example will have effect. But no. Natasha simply can not afford cutting-edge cosmetic technology. “Oh, there’s a new procedure, I’ll go!” – only hear. But without physical activity the achieved result is fast disappearing. It is clear that the girl is reluctant to strain, it is better to massage to lie down, my own face mask. Only recently introduced her to the gym. Natasha was so involved that already padhahaaru. Calling here, complaining: “Two days on tour were not in a rocking chair!”—
      How maintain romance? Many learn to “spin” on the pylon, Gluk’oza her husband dancing has presented.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»We have everything included was. And notions Natalia master.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»And last year you freaked out. March 8 Sergei offered to scuba dive to sharks. And I’m tricking – type shooting.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»It was beautiful. Natasha gives an interview, he turns around, and there I swim, knocking her into the glass. And sink with the ring and gem show.—
      What’s even give each other?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Easier to insinuate that you need. My head explodes on this topic.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I’m suggesting. Here is the telephone is out of order and immediately received as a gift.—
      As mark the 13th anniversary?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Most likely, in Moscow will gather…
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»By the way, we have a tradition that I would have “poduval,” the feast, obyazalovka. The situation is standard: the holiday – so many people, some unfamiliar.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»When you were strangers? On the anniversary of the definitely not!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I always aim just from a table away. It’s boring to just sit around…
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Serge, when was this?! We have one just not eating. The tables and food are two different things! Yes, in me flows Ukrainian blood – it is necessary to feed all. Shame, if guests leave hungry. I’d better rest polyphasia than people with empty zivotopisu.—
      Natasha, I heard you were going to go to the videomanager.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Can’t find the time. I regularly call with the courses. While the Kremlin will not take, can not stop thinking about it.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Natasha really is outstanding abilities. Her one talent should be developed – design. She designs, organizes, repairs, interiors creates. Very cuts.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Even a team that has been with me for many years that is.—
      Maybe open the design Bureau?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Oh, I can not! I’ve opened! Maybe later. To 60 will do interiors, I’ll be a music video Director…—
      Who manages the family budget?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»He we have in common. The question of money is not worth it. There are – well, no – well.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Money should not be the goal, if you work as an artist. I have friends who have all came together with the business and fulfilment has not happened. And people with a bunch of jeeps, houses, seeing the man, only dancing a Striptease, says: “I’m Ready to switch with you all.” This quote sounded twice. And once from a very cool person. With the same last name.—
      Igor Krutoy?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»The phrase sounded long ago, was possibly caused by momentary circumstances. And plunged me into shock.
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I think Igor just got to make a cool compliment!
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»And he did it! We were rehearsing in the concert hall “Russia”. He played the piano, and I sort of danced. And remember this great man was sitting with such sad eyes…
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»
      Recently came back from the us your son Arkhip. Changed his own life?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Yes, he has a bunch of overseers: my grandmother, Valia – tutor, aunt, sister. He learns, lives in an apartment that my mom bought in a period of declining prices. Recently the son became interested in Japanese, found him a teacher. Now fly to Tokyo as he had dreamed.—
      Who are you the main caregiver?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»I keep my finger on the pulse. But there is leverage. The Pope, for example, heavy artillery. The chronology is this: first I receive a complaint from a grandmother or leave it. If you understand that you can’t do yourself, say Serge: “And don’t call you son?” Arkhip are seeing on the display room of the father, understands that it will be hot.—
      I know you help Finance her sister’s family, her son Matthew, born with autism. How is he now?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»He’s a very difficult option. He doesn’t even talk. Know only mother Irina, father Peter, sister Sonia. When I long to see, forget. In America, a strong program for special children: a lot of benefits and schools. The boy lives in his own world: mompreneurs at four in the morning, specific sounds to publish. A family the youngest daughter is healthy. When Irina and Kostya need to go somewhere, it is possible to leave your son in a special home for him there in their care.—
      You have admitted that you want Arkhip have a baby brother or sister. As with dreams things?
      Наташа Королева: «К ребенку из детдома должна быть готова вся семья»Continue to be.
      Any dream is becoming a reality. If the promise of space done right! To take the child from the orphanage, should be ready by the whole family. It is a difficult decision. Refer to the surrogate mother do not want. I believe that God gives everyone strength. If at the moment it is our desire does not, then, until we can not afford. And he is waiting for.

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