Натали Неведрова не стала скрывать правду о программе "Орел и решка"
Even in the winter this year, TV presenter Natalie Nevedrova decided to leave the popular program of TV channel on Friday “the eagle and Reshka”.

Натали Неведрова не стала скрывать правду о программе "Орел и решка"

Here, and throughout this time has been simmering scandal around the name of Natalie. And the reason was that Nevedrova did not remain silent about the reasons, which left the show.

Натали Неведрова не стала скрывать правду о программе "Орел и решка"

“In the preparation phase of the program with the producers of the show we discussed my future way, – says TV presenter with StarHit. – I told him about myself and about what is close to me, about his desire to do good and to help other people. Yeah, maybe this has its own naivety, so for someone “the story of the unicorns”, but this is my deep vision of the world. Of course, I was hoping my image on the screen will match up with reality, but after the ether I call my friends and relatives and admitted that just don’t recognize me that I looked like a complete idiot, something I’m not real. “Natasha, your professional image is ruined!” they said to me. “You in the “eagle and tails” a cheap way!”, “You made the man who has nothing to say in whose mind some “unicorns”.

And Natalie began to receive threats of court from the representatives of the programme, but the presenter does not regret said words.

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