Наталья Варвина путешествует по США с мужем
Star home electroni of the country, and now the TV presenter Natalia Varvina recently went with her husband in the United States.

Наталья Варвина путешествует по США с мужем

Natalia enjoys the beauty of California with her husband, producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. The woman publishes in Instagram pictures with guests, but there are no pictures where you can see chosen Vallinas.

Наталья Варвина путешествует по США с мужем

“I wanted to share with you these moments. I hope you all understand and interesting. The Park of Harry Potter is located on-site Universal Studios Hollywood in Los Angeles! So called for today! You ask which is more interesting – at warner Bros. or universal. Definitely Universal studios Hollywood,” – said Natalia subscribers.

Note that spouses quite often travel during the may holidays, they rested in Paris.

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