Наталья Штурм о бедственном положении Осина: «У него четыре квартиры, он не нищий» Natalia Shturm is outraged that Eugene Osin, in her opinion, trying to cash in on the fans. According to the artist, performer of the hit “Crying girl in the machine” makes a good TV show and is far from poverty.
Наталья Штурм о бедственном положении Осина: «У него четыре квартиры, он не нищий»

Recently fans were shocked by another revelation 53-year-old Eugene Aspen. It turns out that the musician mired in poverty, and even forced to sell his beloved apartment for 30 million rubles.

However, such a statement believed not all. Among the skeptics were and Natalie Storm. The singer told that she thinks about the plight of his longtime friend.

“He has four apartments in Moscow. Last year alone, he earned about a million on a variety show, where he talked about his hard life. This money he never spends. Means he needs only to buy another bottle. If you are interested in why he does it, I would say — for the sake of PR. Wants to mollify the fans, so they started to help him. I know that the fans under his door the products leave, I have repeatedly written people who wanted to give Aspen money. No apartments he sells, he is simply not necessary”, — said Natalia “StarHit”.
Наталья Штурм о бедственном положении Осина: «У него четыре квартиры, он не нищий»

The singer said that for more than twenty years are familiar with Eugene a Wasp, and throughout this time the actor had problems with alcohol. We will remind that Natalia was one of the first who came to the aid of Eugene Aspen, when the news about his deteriorating health. However, instead of gratitude, the Storm got charged with greed in his address from his longtime friend.

In the words of the artist, Eugene just wants to be cured.

“I have before my eyes the example of Dana Borisova She was able to get away from bad habits, and now she has fundamentally changed my life. I recently met with her and her daughter Polina. She had a child a full understanding. I know that Dana is now fighting for every penny, limits itself, and at the same time reconciled with the behavior of the former husband. The situation in which she was dreadful: she had to pay child support for a daughter, but lives with her, buying her everything. Every man builds his life. Now the whole country is worried about Joseph Kobzon, who is a legend of the stage, my teacher. Here you have three fates: the master, who had made himself Given that fights for a normal, sober life, and aspens that have lost and health, and talent,” concluded Natalia.

Earlier in the interview, Storm said that to save Eugene for impossible. The artist herself to help a colleague on stage do not intend to, because after his repeated insults she finally lost faith in the recovery Aspen.

But the musician previously admitted that the financial crisis had on the background of constant health problems. Recently Osin broke his leg and then injured the hand. Despite pursuing his misery Eugene was able to establish a relationship with his daughter Agnia, which have long been at odds. The fans hope that the rumors about the plight of the artist do not correspond to the truth, and aspens will be able to keep intact all their properties.