Настя Каменских ошарашила развратным нарядом на концерте в Украине
A few days ago, the singer Nastya Kamensky presented a new song called LOMALO.

Настя Каменских ошарашила развратным нарядом на концерте в Украине

The author of the track was a partner and rumored beloved Nastya – Potap, he Oleksiy Potapenko, as they say now in Ukraine.

Настя Каменских ошарашила развратным нарядом на концерте в Украине

Nastya gladly provided a fresh track to the audience of the music festival.

But nothing less than a song, everyone is discussing the appearance Kamensky, who on this day consisted of a white top, under which was black underwear.

Настя Каменских ошарашила развратным нарядом на концерте в Украине

Many noted that this style is a real mauvais ton for girls, so underwear should be the color of the outfit or no.

I think it’s cool that Nastia has its own, anyone not like, style.

Настя Каменских ошарашила развратным нарядом на концерте в Украине

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