The actress never ceases to amaze fans with their desires. Nastasya Samburski experimenting with hair color and hairstyles from the age of 16. Recently, the star made a short cut, however, does not exclude that someday I will be able to completely say goodbye with hair.
The famous actress Nastassja Samburski never ceases to amaze his fans. For the life of a star of the series “Univer” watch over 7 million subscribers. Nastasia used to, that sometimes she falls a criticism of social network users. In recent times, not to read negativity in his address, the girl closed the comments.
Samburski explained that calmly responds to such popularity. “Some of their number probably will increase to 10, 15 or 20 million. Not that I set myself a goal — people will subscribe. I violently did not call. Not so long ago I closed the comments in your account, and it made me feel better because now I don’t see criticism of sick people, insults, dirty tricks. I have already proved everything to everyone, and I think that a normal person will not go to the page to the stranger and try to teach him life,” said the actress.
Recently Nastassja radically changed her image. She cuts long hair and dyed the ends blue. According to star, during the filming of the series “Univer” on the contract she was not allowed to do something with my hair. Now she’s finally carried out his plan. However, the girl pulls on a more extreme experiments.
“I can’t take and not to look after themselves or, for example, to shave my head. Although I like very much,” admitted Samburski.
By the way, Nastasia knows a lot about hairstyles. Many years ago, she even attended courses of hairdressers. “Three times I was doing. Then cut it, then let grow. Not once went to a penalty and bangs. With 16 years I began to paint because at 15 went to study hairdressing. So what the only color I was! And red, and a redhead, and a blonde just like this, green blonde,” recalled the star.
Talking to reporters, Samburski noted that she most like to be a brunette, as the color completely fits her character. Recently Nastasia tried themselves in new roles. Together with the composer Victor Drobysh they recorded the song “Bad boys”, which has already appeared in rotation on radio stations. Nastasya Samburski had a fight with the influential producer