Настасья Самбурская примерила роль "Ревизорро"
Actress Nastassja Samburski decided on a desperate experiment. Apparently someone made the time for the show to try on the image of Lena Flying. Now Samburski, wearing white gloves, will fight for purity.

Настасья Самбурская примерила роль "Ревизорро"

Samburski has become the leading new show “General cleaning” on the channel Friday and will now inspect the flats of Russians, who wished to put her over the threshold of his home.

Настасья Самбурская примерила роль "Ревизорро"

Knowing the nature Samburski and her manner of talking, you can assume that without conflict there will not be enough. Although participation in this project is strictly voluntary.

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