Настасья Самбурская покинет «Универ» уже в апреле

It will be followed by the colleague on shop Anna’s Cousin.

A month and a half ago there were rumors that Nastasya Samburski, the performer of the role of clear head and the beauty of Kristina Sokolovskaya in the series “Univer. The new Dorm” is leaving the project. But then no one believed them, because the actress continued to put in the “Instagram” photos from the set.

But it turned out that there is no smoke without fire: the actress just completes the job, and in April shooting in “Uni” for it will end. According to rumors, Nastasia left the project voluntarily and on the initiative of producers. Rumor has it that on set, everyone was tired from the tough girl character and constant conflict with colleagues.

By the way, the new season of the series will be the last not only for Samburski, but for Anne’s Cousin, who plays coy-an activist of Jan Semakina. But in her case, everything happens on its own initiative, the actress – in the near future she plans to focus on the perspective of motherhood.

Heroines and Actresses have already found a replacement. It is known that the sample for the new roles were 27-year-old Victoria Romanenko and 25-year-old Elizabeth Saksina. Both play on the stage: Victoria “contemporary”, Elizabeth – at the Theatre of Nations, but loud roles in movies there hasn’t been, according to the website of “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

Beginners who have to play “Uni”, is still unknown. But what would the characters nor got the girls, they sure will become their calling card, as it happened with other actors of the series.

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