Настасью Самбурскую сравнили с молодым Брэдом Питтом

Experiments with the image of Nastasya Samburski long-haired brunette turned her into a blonde with a short haircut.

Fans of the actress still can’t get used to such changes and openly Express their opinion about her appearance.

For example, one of the last published images Samburski reminded the followers of Hollywood actor brad pitt.

Настасью Самбурскую сравнили с молодым Брэдом Питтом

“You look good in this haircut”, “Very stylish!”, “You look great”, “Like sister brad Pete, Copy of brad pitt”, “Haircut, the hair color does not: dark is much better! Younger, brighter and ozornie look!” — mentioned in the review.

Despite any negativity expressed was not the actor of the opposite sex over fifty Nastasya is not flattered, so she decided to turn off comments to their posts.

Note that the appearance, the former star of “Univer” well transforming. Recently in Instagram Nastasia posted a photo, which it called a copy of Angelina Jolie.