Надежда Бабкина: «Я начала жить в полную силу» What could cause tears in the most vociferous and exciting Cossack country? Bright, Sunny, never losing heart is Nadezhda Babkina. Any interview with the artist – a feast for the journalist! The singer is a volcano of positive energy, to see her crying impossible.

      Надежда Бабкина: «Я начала жить в полную силу»

      “I’m sorry Reva, I can not help it”, is telling about a meeting that changed her life, Nadezhda G. cloth wipes the oncoming tears.

      “You know, Andrew, every person there are moments when you really need support. After a difficult divorce I tried very hard to get out of the darkness and gloom, went to Church, but confession at the local level did not work. I was probably not completely honest, I don’t know. And here we are with my friend Larissa go to Zagorsk to Archimandrite Naum. Three o’clock in the morning occupy turn around the crowd of hundreds of people from across the country. Everyone has their own reason to see the great elder, his thoughts, his pain in the shower, like me. And here is this huge crowd, it turns out the nun: “you, young man, grandma, come on in. And the rest wait, maybe will succeed.”

      Standing, waiting. At six the dawn service starts, all visits come to an end… for Three days we went to the monastery, there is no cronyism, Dating also can not be the artist or not, all exactly the same. And suddenly in the morning before Easter comes the nun, and pointing at me. I even was struck dumb. I think can not be! She says: “Yes, go” and two more people calling, and the Lark did not take.

      “We go in, see a broad, full of people, a ladder, and each piece of paper, and write. I’m asking women: “what do you write?” They look puzzled, but I hope not in a judgmental way: “Like what? Sins.” And I don’t know what to write. Yeah, I’m so-and-so was born, but is that a sin?!”

      And I stand, leaf me white, don’t know where to start. I did not insult anybody bad did not. And when I was thinking, the same nun: “come on, get up, and two monks, too.” And so the three of us, I’m in the middle. Go in the little cell. And there are white people with pobachennya eyes, as if you’re drowning in it! Boots on it, it was cold. And he looks so… Old already beaten brow, and I from confusion or from the inability to say, “Hello…” the Monks are devoutly christened, and I told him again: “Hello”. He’s putting the priests under the curtains, and I held out a hand for a piece of paper: what you supposedly wrote? Sees a blank sheet and says: “Get on your knees”.

      Надежда Бабкина: «Я начала жить в полную силу»“I got up and very quietly asked: “the son came to pray”. And he said: “You ask me for myself, not for my son”… Then I’m all confused. How?! I kind of have adapted, in fact, the team is, what for something?! “So until you decide to leave. Gonna be here at least three days.” And stood in the corner with the monks to talk, and I’m scared, listen and think in the hustle and bustle of this infinite we are probably missing something, but I like it. Well, the artist, and what? At home I’m just a man”.

      And then we have with the elder held a spiritual conversation and I said that are, the team has created”. He answered: “come sing to me “our father” prayer.” I sang. “Well, “Roared the storm, the thunder,” you know?” I nod. “Then start”. But I say nothing, because it presented: if now, at full speed… am a, the cell may collapse. And he smiles the nun, say, voting, words, probably, does not know. “I know!” and he started to sing. The old man asks: “Louder, louder!” Then I yelled: “continuously And the thunder…”, while the idea revolves that will tell those who stand on the steps? Friend Lara at this point was praying in one of the temples, hear my voice: “Nadya something crazy. Che she is old and sings!” and rushed to the cell Naum. And no one is allowed there. When I finished, the elder said: “That’s done. I had to let you me your soul revealed”.

      Надежда Бабкина: «Я начала жить в полную силу»

      And then we started talking about life, about if I’m happy in family relationships, how I treat people, how I treat them. And over the fact that I have downloaded: children’s literature, the painted eggs, Easter cakes. The monks helped, take out boxes, I’m out. Lark in amazement: “Where did you get that?” “The elder gave, and told me to go to Church at Nikitsky.” And I live there! Can you imagine?! And I felt so light, so good, easy on the soul! Directly happiness felt! And since then I have started it all, all at once opened. I was ready to communicate, to love, to laugh, somewhere to go, to travel, to live a full life. Before that it was like the floor. And it’s so good!”

      Надежда Бабкина: «Я начала жить в полную силу»