«У меня волосы дыбом встали!» Рита Дакота заступилась за Анну Седокову
Pregnant actress fighting off the assaults of ill-wishers.

Rita Dakota

Photo: @ritadakota Instagram Rita Dakota

Rita Dakota are faced with negative reaction of fans on her pregnancy. Or rather, not very “interesting position”, and then what kind of life the singer leads. The wife of Vlad Sokolovsky — modern girl with his views on how to dress and act a pregnant woman. According to her point of view, “waiting” can and should continue to dress in my usual clothes, including wearing high heels, going to parties and does not necessarily change the power mode.

However, I agree with Rita few of its fans. “And how many of th*at we have received from
subscribers. All just nuclear bombed, “EW, how can you not ashamed? Not
stick out the belly! Don’t go on holidays! Don’t wear shoes (if that maximum
comfortable, with a heel, my doctor allowed, strictly under the supervision I
permanent and are)! Vlad, where are you looking?! Motherhood is a sacrament
change your wife wash away her lips! Oh, Oh, ayyayyay!!”. In all seriousness wrote. And
not one or two “I’m a nurse”, not grandmother from Sverdlovsk, and the crowd, the crowd seemingly normal people!”

Dakota admitted that he was shocked to unwanted advice and criticism. Moreover, the singer has noticed that such reactions cause the majority of Network users are all pregnant or have recently become moms artist. So, after learning about what the persecution was not so long ago, her colleague — Anna Sedokova, Rita was speechless.

“I’ve recently ochre**La from
comments under the photo of my girlfriend Anna Sedokova. When she only gave birth to Hector and went to the concert to our
friends with Employment. It almost parental rights deprived for what it is,
feeding baby for an hour took off to dance. The women shouted that she’s a terrible mother
forgive**ka with completely blurred human values and other terrible things.
I then hair stood on end: why? How do the girls so much hatred, so many rush to condemn, humiliate,
shame? For what? Because a young and beautiful woman wants to stay young
and a beautiful woman, at least someone else besides the “good mother”? Is it a shame?” surprised Rita.