Мама Юлии Высоцкой впервые о браке дочери: «Беда только сплотила их с Кончаловским» The Director and the actress met in 1996 and since then has not parted. Relatives and friends of the spouses told how Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky get along with each other, someone in their family is a dictator, and what changes occurred in them over the years of living together.

      Мама Юлии Высоцкой впервые о браке дочери: «Беда только сплотила их с Кончаловским»

      They met in the summer of 1996 in the Elevator, during the festival “Kinotavr” in Sochi. Julia was 22, Andrey Sergeevich – 58. Konchalovsky has suggested the girl to lunch, she agreed… And the next day they went to rest in Turkey. Couple together 20 years.

      Relatives and friends of the spouses said “StarHit” who in their family is a dictator, as they share the chores, and changed each other over the years.

      “Pray for the daughter and son-in-law”

      One of the closest for the 42-year-old actress and the leading “Life Vysotskaya” on NTV remains of her mother. She never gave interviews. But for the “StarHit” made an exception. The woman lives in Novocherkassk, often visiting family daughter in Moscow, but in spite of all entreaties, to move to the capital refuses.

      “I’m at an age where I want to be where he was born – says “StarHit” 63-year-old Svetlana Vysotskaya. – Regularly come to visit Julia. Daughter arrives at least – busy, but constantly calling and skyping. My children are my everything. During the years that Julia and Andrew S. together, they were happier. And when they’re happy, and I, respectively. Husband of Julia – a real man, honest, kind, smart. A misfortune that happened to their daughter Masha (in October 2013, the girl and her parents got in an accident and was in a long coma.– Approx. “StarHit”), strenghtens them. I pray for a daughter, son-in-law, their entire family, and I hate when I hear them address some negative, read the news on the Internet”.
      Мама Юлии Высоцкой впервые о браке дочери: «Беда только сплотила их с Кончаловским»

      Julia Vysotskaya about the health of his daughter: “We work, we move, going very, very slowly”

      Mom TV presenter said that her daughter was unfaithful to the marriage. “My friends always made the house comments that it is not taught Julia to the farm, don’t make her do house work continues Vysotskaya. – I answered: “Life itself teaches, and she’s still all this will pass. And while it’s better engaged in lessons, enjoy life! Well, that happened what happened – she is now to anyone the master class will give the conduct of everyday cooking”.

      Some recipes, such as sweets, Julia, as it turned out, ‘ve learned from my mom. “I remember at New year I made Napoleon, all cut piece by piece, drinking tea,” recalls Svetlana. – In the morning saying, nobody eat my cake, didn’t like it? And went for groceries. Return from cake one piece. And daughters to me, “This, mother, that you had not thought of that cake we did not like!” And now she is in his signature, “Napoleon, as a mother. For the family her special menu that she prepares when free.”

      Мама Юлии Высоцкой впервые о браке дочери: «Беда только сплотила их с Кончаловским»

      “The husband was forced to lose weight”

      Have Konchalovsky strict separation of functions. “I was their guest in Moscow, and in London, says “StarHit” composer Eduard Artemyev, who wrote the music for many films of the master. – Andrew, a philosopher, watching the home side. He always reads, studies. Julia also became a business, but the farm children on it. She is very talented, but unfortunately, for some reason not popular here actress. And, of course, “made” her forget. Remember Vysotskaya still a young student when she appeared in his life, was thick, a bit shy, always smiling. Husband forced to lose weight, was doing her education bought Julia courses in Los Angeles, under his influence, she learned English, French and Italian. And Konchalovsky – a dictator, always builds.”

      Husband sent Julia Vysotskaya to sell appliances

      But Julia for its part ensures that the spouse time to eat, do not forget to rest.

      “At work, during rehearsals, they always keep their distance – Vysotskaya calls her husband Andrey Sergeevich, at you is drawn to him – says “StarHit” Theater actress. Moscow City Council Irina Kartasheva. Only she, of course, feeds. Often brings cooked food in the break covering him in the dressing room. We, remember, were treated to sweets, chocolate, homemade. All culinary business they conduct outside of the theater. Know that she is very tired of it all. But she has a serious and long-term contract can’t be broken”.

      According to actor Alexander Filippenko, which Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky known each other and worked together for over 20 years, the couple “feel each other on the nose and on the sides.

      “Julia in all its listens, but also to himself – says “StarHit” Alexander Georgievich. – She is honestly trying to do what Andrei is asking for. But sometimes says: “Let me show you how I want.” Husband, for example, she may say that it is not necessary in this scene, no tears, she nod, say, understand. But we, the actors, there is a saying: “Six writing, three!” This means that then can still make his own way. So Julia no, and secretly somewhere cry – as if by accident. Comments Konchalovsky then everyone, including his wife says in your ear, not publicly expressed. And before every performance there’s this tradition that we stand in a circle, join hands, and he utters the same phrase: “Surprise me!” Of course, many white envy, the husband-wife Director provides three main roles in the theater. But it fulfills them like no one else! During the breaks we are talking with Andrew about poetry, literature. Klyuchevskaya it I was given to read. Julia is a bit far from our conversations. She has another niche. The husband is responsible for ideology, the wife in the home. She monitors his health, so he did not forget to be checked. As a couple, I think Julia and Andrew S. found each other in the distribution of roles.”

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