Свекровь Светланы Пермяковой отказывается с ней общаться The actress came to the Studio of the program “the Destiny of man” with the YouTube Koschevnikovi. Svetlana told the TV host, suffered the death of his mother, father and three brothers. The movie star also admitted, why not marry the father of your daughter.
Свекровь Светланы Пермяковой отказывается с ней общаться

Svetlana permjakova became famous after the release of the TV series “Soldiers” and “Interns.” Before Comedy actress a few years was playing in KVN. Today she is a successful TV presenter, however. as it turned out, in the personal life of the actress there were many tragedies and losses.

In the program “the Destiny of man” permjakova told Boris Korchevnikov how grieved the death of relatives: three siblings actress died and then died and mother Svetlana.

Movie star explained why in my first marriage he lived for a few months. With current partner Maxim actress doesn’t want to register the relationship. Although the couple has a child together – a daughter Varvara.

“The first brother Andryushenka went to two years old. I didn’t know him, but for mom and dad it was a great grief. It was electrocuted. Bob, the average, suffered a second heart attack, although he was an athlete. When he was gone, I was 15 years old. I was on the trip. I left and then remembered his last kiss. Back, I have oranges in the net, Cologne also bought… my dad met him at the station, all swollen, said: “Bob died.” It turns out that I had come to the funeral: it was over so fast, but I became an adult in one day”, – said Svetlana.

Mother of the actress dedicated her entire life and the older brother of actress Sergey. Permyakov admitted that in adulthood, the man began to abuse alcohol. The actress tried to reason with his older brother, but did not.

“He is also the heart… Then the heat was something he drank some kind of cocktail bad” – shared the actress.

After the death of the last son mom actress was waiting for his own care. According to Svetlana, she wanted to be reunited with his sons. “Left Serge, and mother, too, with him gone. It was her first-born, whom she loved and always supported,” – said the artist.

Свекровь Светланы Пермяковой отказывается с ней общаться

Despite a difficult childhood and adolescence, Permyakov was able to become a successful actress. She moved to Moscow. In the capital she met first husband. 4 Sep 2008 Permyakov was married to the art Director of one of the Moscow clubs Evgeny Bodrov. But almost immediately, after a few weeks, got divorced. According to the actress, the chosen one abused alcohol and was dirty. Friends of the couple had warned her that the man is cheating on her, but the actress fell in love without memory. “I allowed myself to love. It so happened,” said the movie star.

However, it was Eugene introduced her to Maxim, who later became the father of her only child. 21 Jul 2012 the couple had a daughter Barbara.

“I understand that this is an adult and responsible person. He protects me, guards,” said the actress on Maxim.

However, the mother of the chosen one refused to communicate with the famous daughter-in-law. The actress even called the woman mother. “At some point people said, “No.” Well, no, no,” – said Permyakova.

Svetlana said that not hold a grudge against the mother of Maxim.

The actress says she doesn’t want to officially register the marriage with her lover. “Max, to be honest, the marriage will not follow you. But to get married… Just you,” said the actress in the Studio program.

Permyakova carefully hides her personal life from the public. However, Boris Korchevnikov she admitted that happy with Maxim, and a stamp in the passport for her – just a formality.