Мама Александры Бортич была против ее парня
Young actress Alexandra Bortech tries not to talk about his personal life.

Мама Александры Бортич была против ее парня

But journalists managed to learn that for a couple of months she meets with the rapper Mezza.

Мама Александры Бортич была против ее парня

In recognition of Alexandra her mother at first did not accept her new boyfriend.

“The photographs of the mother he never liked, – says Bortech. – She was against, forbidden to meet, much less live together.”

But after some time the mother of 22-year-old actress made peace with her choice.

“I love your man and listen to him in everything, – told the artist. – Mom had to meet with him, then she changed her negative attitude. They found a common language, now we are always welcome in the family home”.

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