Милана Кержакова: «Муж украл у меня ребенка» The girl asked for help. Milan Kerzhakov said that her husband stole the baby when he was in the country. Now the athlete does not give his wife to communicate with her son as long as it does not provide the help about their mental health.
Милана Кержакова: «Муж украл у меня ребенка»

In mid-may, the wife of footballer Alexander Kerzhakov Milan told the fans that they are no longer together. For followers, it sounded like thunder from a clear sky. The wife of an athlete named it “fallen” and “unworthy of respect” man. However, she did not tell what happened in their family. Now, a month later, Milan found the strength to tell the story of a difficult relationship. The girl confessed that she was tired to keep my emotions to myself.

“We have long fought for the right to wear pants, vote, drive a car and build a career. However, our efforts, some successful, led to the fact that we “gender dehumanized” and now those things that were previously innocuous part of the female nature, are equal to terrible sins. Don’t cry. Don’t complain. Don’t show weakness. Bring the pain, hard gritting his teeth and quietly choking on tears. But I don’t want to take any more. And I will not be silent. I will speak, share experiences and learn to move on. You can blame me,” said Milan before you begin microblogging lively conversation with followers.

Gordon divorce Kiriakovich: “If the case goes to court, Milan will repeat the fate of Safronova”

“The situation is that I can’t see his child because he was taken – said Milan live. – Now, Sasha says that I need to prove their social responsibility. I don’t know how to prove I am an adequate person. He came to the country with some people climbed over the fence and took the babysitter of the child. I’m filing for divorce”.
Милана Кержакова: «Муж украл у меня ребенка»

A girl can’t understand what happened, because he and Alexander loved each other and now he categorically denies meetings with their common child Artemije. Milan said that this situation lasted for months. According to her, she tried to see his son, but it was not successful.

“I talked with Sasha, came to the house, he said that he needed help, that I imputed – without these documents will not allow to see my son. I said I don’t know what was going on. I do not require that the child lived with me, and want to at least be able to see him,” admitted Milan.
Милана Кержакова: «Муж украл у меня ребенка»

Kerzhakov told you I’m not ready to tell about all the intricacies of family relations, which led to the breakup. The girl did not want to defame the name is still the official wife. “I was willing to do anything to keep the family together, enduring everything that was against me. I loved too much” – through tears said Milan.

Footballer’s wife hopes that the court will side with her and will determine the place of residence of Artemis with her. However, the girl is afraid that Alexander will take out the child abroad. Now it only remains to follow her husband on social media, where he publishes the photo with their son. In her opinion, he does it on purpose to show how happy he is.

“I never forbade him to see the child after the breakup, but I was afraid that he would take him to his home and will not return. I asked, while we do not sign agreements, to visit son home to me, and he didn’t like it – admitted of Milan. – Sasha is now hiding him, and I have no idea where my son is. It’s very painful.”

Milan remembered that the same thing happened with his ex-wife Kerzhakov Catherine Safronova. She admitted she was on her side when one did not have the opportunity to see her child. Ex-wife of Alexander Kerzhakov talked about the tyranny on his part

“Our conflict with Sasha’s happened due to the fact that I tried to arrange a meeting of mother with the child. I was on the mother’s side, because I didn’t want to see the child growing up without her. But for all the time he gave to arrange this meeting, I don’t know why,” said Milan.

Милана Кержакова: «Муж украл у меня ребенка»

Kerzhakov stated that the athlete also denied her the opportunity to participate in the leadership of the charity. However, in this case the girl is not afraid to start over.

Now Milana gets the feeling that the player only married her because of influential parents – a dad, a Senator of St. Petersburg Vadim Tulpanov, passed away in April of last year.

“I think we’re getting a divorce because my father died, I as the man was he didn’t need,” said Milan.

Now Kerzhakov is determined to do everything to be able to communicate and participate in the upbringing of their child. She admitted she decided to go live in a microblog only that perhaps there were people who would help her find the right way out of the situation.