Мила Кунис возмущена слухами вокруг своего имени
Famous actress Mila kunis is of great interest of journalists to his person.

Мила Кунис возмущена слухами вокруг своего имени

As a result, in the Network very often, there are various rumors about kunis. The actress admits to not reading the news, but nevertheless they have an impact on her life. In an interview with Cosmopolitan, Mila confessed about how these rumors about her family.

Мила Кунис возмущена слухами вокруг своего имени

“I read nothing about himself – not really know what to write about me… know that consistently get pregnant in a year and with the same frequency divorce her husband. Know about it, because so often written on the covers that you notice when you go for groceries to the store,” said the actress.

Sometimes parents Pretty seriously worry about my daughter when I read some horrifying news about her.

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