Михаил Задорнов перед смертью раскаялся в своих поступках
It became known as the native satirist divided his inheritance.

Mikhail Zadornov with Elena Bombini and daughter


Six months after the death of Michael Zadornov has become known, who inherited a legacy of satirist. Shortly before his death he made a will that all his property be divided between his widow Elena Bombino, daughter Elena and ex — wife Velta.

So, according to the documents Bambina inherited: two apartments — in Moscow and Riga and country house in the suburbs. Welte in the property: apartment on the street Autumn, the famous house in Jurmala, and the car Lexus. But copyright, he divided equally between them. This means that all decisions about the use of intellectual heritage will be taken by Elena and Welt together. How to say close friends of Mikhail, a will brought by Bombino disappointment. She allegedly hoped that Zadornov will not be so generous to ex-wife.

As it became known, shortly before his death, Mikhail asked the first wife’s forgiveness for past wrongs. “Sister Zadornov Lyudmila told me that just before leaving, Mikhail has a lot and realized. Realized how much he hurt really close to him, the first wife Velta. She always behaved impeccably. Before his death, he with tears in his eyes for the first time asked for her forgiveness. Zadornov I never did… And she forgave — quoted friend of the writer of the KP. He said to his sister, saying, I am very guilty before the Welt, you don’t leave one. Perhaps only at the end of his life, he realized that as first wife, his no one and didn’t like… I’ve been watching their relationship for years. Michael paid attention to beautiful girls, helped them in life and in work… But Velta was a woman his whole life!”

It is also reported that the daughter of Mikhail Nikolayevich — Elena’s will become the owner of a two bedroom apartment in Moscow (office Zadornov) and car brand Hyundai. Some time ago she had a boyfriend. The young man lives in Malta, but managed to care Zadornov of life to meet the father of his beloved. Michael N., by the way, endorsed the selection of girls.