Михаил Боярский раскрыл тайну развода дочери Лизы Боярской с Максимом Матвеевым
Actor Mikhail Boyarsky spoke for the first time about the breakup of Liza Seigniorial and Maxim Matveev.

Михаил Боярский раскрыл тайну развода дочери Лизы Боярской с Максимом Матвеевым

Persistent rumors that one of the most popular couples of the Russian cinema actress Liza seigniorial and Maxim Matveev, actor’s divorce went a long time. Star Duo chose not to comment on the new message, and meanwhile in their family really had quarrelled.

Михаил Боярский раскрыл тайну развода дочери Лизы Боярской с Максимом Матвеевым

Truth revealed Lisa’s father, Michael Bojarsky in the program “You wouldn’t believe” actor said that if his daughter and may have quarrels with my husband, he will not interfere in their lives: “they Have the same problems as occurs in any normal family. They both work a lot, so can’t spend together all the time. But they love each other and are a strong family. Maxim is the perfect dad for my grandson, the boy adores him. Rumors about the divorce – just a rumor”.

Михаил Боярский раскрыл тайну развода дочери Лизы Боярской с Максимом Матвеевым

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