The actor returns to TV, Tina Kandelaki has invited Michael to the role of host of the show “Battle in the big city” to “Match TV”. The General producer was present at the shooting, and “StarHit” became the witness of conversation of Tina star leading.
In a huge Studio ring has a small area with chairs, and settled where our heroes. Tina, as always very fashionable, offers Michael coffee and chat prior to filming. Well, what man will refuse? He gallantly hands her the chair and said that the drinks will take care of itself.
You are a true gentleman.
It’s the little things.
Why? After all, a man must be gallant with women, to be real.
In fact, everything revolves around one man is obliged to be generous. Not only in terms of Finance, he should be able to spend on wife, children, Home.
Do you think the concept of “real man” still exist? Or nowadays it is an anachronism?
Of course, it is! And it’s not just about those who enters the ring, wins the Olympic medals – what is the measure? And how intelligent men, with serious internal qualities of the representatives of the stronger sex?
Middle son Mike? Similar to you?
I wish he had something similar, and something would be different. But immediately I can not say. His hobby is chess. It is so powerfully and consciously involved with the bright desire, the will to win.
What do you think, the main thing in the education of man?
Personal example. We are beaten for their mistakes. Try to keep yourself.
Misha sister already protects?
To the girls it is carefully – we have it made in the family. We live together, but hopefully with time they will come to the realization that they are the most native people. And then Bear, as in chess, will be included in full.
He fought as a child often?
No. I was a nerd.
Now listening in on us, and write journalists: “Mikhail Porechenkov admitted that he was a nerd”.
The General producer and broadcaster begin to laugh. At this moment bring of coffee. Porechenkov adds a couple tablespoons of sugar, smiling: “what, are you on a diet?” Tina retorted: “More healthy lifestyle”.
Returning to the fights. Of course, I have had such moments, when this was not enough. Had to sort things out method of Boxing.
Whether a man to join the fight in the ring and in everyday life?
If the situation will lead, the guy should certainly able to do it.
And you look like dad?
How! First, externally, which is not surprising. Creativity is the Pope.
Michael pulls out his phone and shows Tina the photo of the family.
What a beautiful mom! And the greater the authority one for you?
I don’t know… I love them very much, anxiously trying to treat them, can’t separate them. They are my family.
Is there in your life things to be ashamed of?
Something could be changed. But this feeling will go away, and upstairs is going to ask me what was happening.
As sympathetic and kind person, you help many. And who helps you?
First, my parents. Second, uncle. Close friends, acquaintances, children, a wife that I support, worried. From them I gained the love and tenderness, so spend and I will spend the rest of your life.
They say money at home saving up for the funeral and doctors.
Therefore, all that you earn, let go with ease.
Now parents often practice financial incentives for helping on the farm.
In any case. It is wrong. There is a more serious value. It’s the easiest way: the garbage made the money. Primitive people become.
Children extreme mastered?
They are great to ride Quad bikes. Riding from the age of three. Masha and Misha on skis. Michael even downhill in Italy won. Masha while the girl rides.
From the other grandchildren feeling? Tell me, because I still have them wait and wait.
In General children or granddaughter is anxious, a good attitude. And especially in such a great age, as the old. My live in Tallinn. Here the eldest son Volodya flew for the first time, brought her granddaughter Miloslava all met. Gathered at the house under one roof – is not happiness?