Михаил Муромов отказал в помощи внебрачным детям The singer still doesn’t know how his heirs. Michael Muromov admitted that he knew only of four sons. The exact number of offspring of a musician to name. Groupies have lost him from the head and having babies without getting married.
Михаил Муромов отказал в помощи внебрачным детям

Incredible performer popular in the late eighties hit, “apples in the snow” Michael Muromov in mid-November, will mark its 67th anniversary.

At the time, the singer was so popular among fans that now can not count the exact number of illegitimate children, which came to light due to his unbridled love for the fair sex. Public knowledge about the four illegitimate descendants of Michael Muromova. This his sons, Michael, Nicholas, Paul and Arthur. They were born of different women as a result of relations with a famous singer.

“They’re all healthy men from their families, of course, I know them. Now I am only talking about those who helped raise the material,” says Michael Muromov.

The singer believes that children have had much more than four. “When people ask me: “How many illegitimate children?” I reply “Take the flags and map, check the boxes next to all the settlements where I was, and count!” continues celebrity.

Muromov admits that at the time was a desperate lover of women. The only legitimate wife of the singer Tamara couldn’t handle the partying lifestyle of her husband. The couple broke up after three years of marriage. However, the former couple still maintain good relationship.

Михаил Муромов отказал в помощи внебрачным детям“Tamara is a very sweet, kind, amazing person, she lived for three years. Somehow we just met, talked, she told me about herself. Tamara even came on TV on my birthday. We were able to maintain good communication. My mother-in-law had a good relationship. Tamara is now caring for her mother who after a stroke was already in his bed. She is a very caring woman, but very jealous, so our paths diverged. Yes what to hide, I’m a playboy,” admits Michael Muromov.

Despite its venerable age, the singer admits that is still indifferent to women. Muromov claims that he, as before, like all women except blondes.

“They painted everything, – explained his position in an interview with “Interlocutor” Michael Muromov. – I love redheads. But, of course, always pay attention not only on appearance, but on character. I love energetic, ambitious, but at the same time, and… lambs.”