Майкл Фассбендер жалуется на неудачи на любовном фронте

Charming Hollywood bachelor Michael Fassbender, with whom the novel of dream of all his fans, admitted that actually in real life he is not too lucky in matters of the heart.

Michael has a reputation in Hollywood a terrible womanizer, but the actor notes that there is to these rumors nothing to do. The Fassbender family dreams about happiness and hopes to find it soon: “the longest relationship I had lasted only two years… it’s not so easy to find a friend genuinely enjoy it is I, myself. And not my status in Hollywood, was facing Michael. — I would have wanted a permanent relationship, a family, but still does not work. But I don’t give up! Although I still have quite a bit of free time. Including for appointments. But now it has become easier to make friends and girlfriends. You know what I mean? Ever since I gained popularity and fame, for some reason it became all very interesting. Especially girls. They are willing to listen to any nonsense that I carry. And five years ago and minutes wouldn’t last”.

The actor dreams may come true in the near future. Rumor has it that Michael has been several months is in a relationship with Alicia Vikander. Despite the fact that movie stars do not comment on his novel, father of the actress Fassbender speaks of it as “daughter’s boyfriend”.

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